Photorespiratory enzymes

Mats Eriksson Mats.Eriksson at plantphys.umu.se
Thu Dec 1 02:40:45 EST 1994

Can anyone tell me what is known about the photorespiratory enzymes in
Chlamy? I am especially interested in the glycolate dehydrogenase, glycine
decarboxylase, serine hydroxymethyltransferase and the other enzymes in the
mitochondria. Is there anyone out there working with these enzymes?


Mats Eriksson
Department of Plant Physiology
Umea University, Sweden
Mats.Eriksson at plantphys.umu.se


Mats Eriksson                           Phone:  +46 90 165422
Department of Plant Physiology          Fax:    +46 90 166676
Umea University                         E-mail: Mats.Eriksson at plantphys.umu.se
S-901 87 Umea, Sweden

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