CA antibodies?

Anthony G Moss mossant at mail.auburn.edu
Fri Dec 2 16:23:36 EST 1994

Hi all,

A student here at Auburn University is interested in locating and 
characterizing carbonic anhydrase in several invertebrate species, 
including some jellies and nudibranchs.  He's tried a number of 
anti-vertebrate CA antibodies to try to localize the endogenous invert CA 
but all effort to date is to no avail.  Apparently the epitopes they are 
directed against are different from those available in the inverts.

Is there anyone out there that might have some good anti-CA that has been 
shown to work well in immunocytochemical assays or immunostaining in 
Chlamy or/and other non-vertebrate groups?  If so, would you  be willing 
to part with a little to help him find his CAs?  His name is Scott 
Parrish and his email is parrisc at mail.auburn.edu.  Thanks very much in 

Tony Moss
Auburn University

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