
Richard T. Sayre sayre.2 at OSU.EDU
Fri Nov 4 16:02:35 EST 1994

>     The Ohio State University is initiating a search for the position of Direct
>of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (PMBB).  The interdisciplinary PMB
>B group was recently formed by faculty involved in research and teaching in pla
>nt molecular biology and biotechnology at OSU;  its mission centers on studies 
>of basic molecular mechanisms in plant development, plant productivity, and pla
>nt-microbial interactions.  Currently, there are twenty three faculty involved 
>in basic and applied research in PMBB on the main campus in Columbus and at the
> Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster.  These faculty r
>epresent seven departments in the College of Biological Sciences and the Colleg
>e of  Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences.  We seek a Director who wi
>ll provide leadership and vision in PMBB research at both the Columbus and Woos
>ter campuses.  The new Director will serve as a liaison between the PMBB group,
> the Vice President for Research, the deans of the participating colleges, and 
>the lead dean of Life Sciences.  The Director will promote interdisciplinary an
>d individual research efforts by participating faculty and will marshall effort
>s to involve state agencies and industry and commodity-oriented groups to parti
>cipate and contribute to the PMBB mission.  A major function of the PMBB Direct
>or will also be to stimulate molecular oriented researchers to solve basic and 
>applied problems that face agriculture.  The Director will also lead efforts to
> recruit additional faculty in PMBB, with at least five positions scheduled to 
>be available over a three year period.  Eventually, it is anticipated that the 
>Director will initiate the development of a PMBB graduate program, although stu
>dents are currently recruited through individual departmental programs and the 
>Plant Molecular Biology track of the interdisciplinary Molecular, Cellular and 
>Developmental Biology program.
>     The Director will become a tenured Professor in one of the participating de
>tments and will be a preeminent scientist who will be expected to maintain a wo
>rld-class and extramurally supported research program.  An attractive start-up 
>package, competitive salary, and an excellent research laboratory suite will be
> provided.  Applications, curriculum vitae, and the names of four references, s
>hould be sent by December 31 to: F. Robert Tabita, Head of the PMBB Search Comm
>ittee, Office of the Dean, College of Biological Sciences, The Ohio State Unive
>rsity, Rm. 148A BioSci, 484 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1192.  The O
>hio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.  Qual
>ified women, minorities, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans, and individua
>ls with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Richard T. Sayre, Associate Professor           email: rsayre at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Departments of Plant Biology and Biochemistry   Office (614) 292-9030
2021 Coffey Rd, Room 310F Kottman Hall          Lab    (614) 292-8379
Ohio State University                           Fax    (614) 292-7162
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

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