list of publications from Michael Melkonian

MMELKON at novell.biolan.uni-koeln.de MMELKON at novell.biolan.uni-koeln.de
Thu Dec 5 12:30:25 EST 1996

Melkonian, M., Marin, B., Surek, B. (1995): Phylogeny and Evolution
of the Algae. In: Biodiversity and Evolution (Arai, R., Kato, M.,
Doi, Y., eds.), pp. 153-176. The National Science Museum Foundation,

Melkonian, M., Surek, B. (1995): Phylogeny of the Chlorophyta:
congruence between ultrastructural and molecular evidence. Bull. Soc.
zool. Fr. 120, 191-208

Melkonian, M., Vigues, B. (1995): Filamentous cytoskeletal systems in
protists. In: Protistological Actualities (Brugerolle, G., Mignot,
J.-P., eds.), 136-147. Proceedings of the Second European Congress of
Protistology, Clermont-Ferrand

Becker, B., Boelinger, B., Melkonian, M. (1995): Anterograde transport
of algal scales through the Golgi complex is not mediated by
vesicles. Trends in Cell Biology 5, 305-307

Becker, B., Dreschers, S., Melkonian, M. (1995): Lectin binding of
flagellar scale-associated glycoproteins in different strains of
Tetraselmis (Chlorophyta). Eur. J. Phycol. 30, 307-312

Becker, B., Grunow, A., Perasso, L., Ruesing, M., Melkonian, M.
(1995): The secretory pathway of Scherffelia dubia. In:
Protistological Actualities (Brugerolle, G., Mignot, J.-P., eds.),
163-165. Proceedings of the Second European Congress of Protistology,

Becker, B., Lommerse, J.P.M., Melkonian, M., Kamerling, J.P.,
Vliegenthart, J.F.G. (1995): The structure of an acidic trisaccharide
component from a cell wall polysaccharide preparation of the green
alga Tetraselmis striata Butcher. Carbohydr. Res. 267, 313-321

Bremerich, A., Lechtreck, K.-F., Melkonian, M. (1995): Purification
of SF-Assemblin. In: Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 47 Cilia and
Flagella (Dentler, W., Witman, G., eds.), pp. 315-321, San Diego:
Academic Press

Hoehfeld, I., Melkonian, M. (1995): Ultrastructure of the flagellar
apparatus of Noctiluca miliaris Suriray swarmers (Dinophyceae).
Phycologia 34, 508-513

Lechtreck, K.-F., Melkonian, M. (1995): Preparation and reactivation
of Spermatozopsis cytoskeletons. In: Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 47
Cilia and Flagella (Dentler, W., Witman, G., eds.), pp. 335-340, San
Diego: Academic Press

Melkonian, M. (1996): Systematics and evolution of the algae:
endocytobiosis and evolution of the major algal lineages. Progr. Bot.
57, 281-311

Bhattacharya, D., Damberger, S., Surek, B., Melkonian, M. (1996):
Primary and secondary structure analyses of the rRNA group-I introns
of the Zygnematales (Charophyta). Curr. Genet. 29, 282-286

Marin, B., Hoef-Emden, K., Melkonian, M. (1996): Light and electron
microscope observations on Tetraselmis desikacharyi sp. nov.
(Chlorodendrales, Chlorphyta). Beih. Nova Hedwigia 112, 459-473

Norton, T.A., Andersen, R.A., Melkonian, M. (1996). Algal
biodiversity. Phycologia 35, 308-326

Santos, L.M.A., Melkonian, M., Kreimer, G. (1996): A combined
reflection confocal laser scanning, electron and fluorescence
microscopy analysis of the eyespot in zoospores of Vischeria spp.
(Eustigmatales, Eustigmatophyta). Phycologia 35, 299-307

Steinkoetter, J., Melkonian, M. (1996): Centrin. In: Guidebook to the
Calcium Binding-Proteins (M.R. Celio, Ed.), pp. 49-51, Oxford
University Press: Oxford

Elisabeth Rochaz
on behalf of Prof. Melkonian

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