Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Photosynthesis

Larry Orr larry.orr at asu.edu
Mon Dec 9 14:40:13 EST 1996

                  ASU Photosynthesis Center


    Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Photosynthesis

           Molecular Biology

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation



The Arizona State University Center for the Study of Early Events in
Photosynthesis offers a full-time summer research experience in
photosynthesis to outstanding undergraduates. Participants will primarily
be involved in an intensive research program under the guidance of a
faculty member in either the Department of Botany or the Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry. Research results will be presented as
professional quality scientific posters at a final symposium. Supplementary
activities will include seminars and participation in laboratory group
meetings. Workshops will be held at regular intervals to instruct
participants in the use of state of the art equipment and techniques. Areas
in which students may work include picosecond and femtosecond laser
spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic and electron paramagnetic resonance
spectroscopy, protein and DNA sequencing, organic synthesis, and plant


The program will run for 10 weeks, from approximately May 28, through
August 1, 1997. Participating students will receive a stipend of $2000 in
addition to dormitory accommodation and a meal and travel allowance.


Academically talented undergraduate students interested in a career in
laboratory sciences are invited to apply. Underrepresented minority
students are particularly encouraged to apply. No previous research
experience is required. The complete application package should include (1)
the application form; (2) college transcripts; (3) evaluation letters from
two faculty members familiar with the applicant's academic and/or research

       ***Application deadline is February 7, 1997***

     Applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents


Further information and application materials may be obtained from:

Larry Orr
Photosynthesis Center REU Program
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Arizona State University
P. O. Box 871604
Tempe, AZ 85287-1604

Tel:   (602) 965-1963
Fax:   (602) 965-2747
Email: Larry.Orr at asu.edu
URL:   http://photoscience.la.asu.edu/photosyn

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