VIth Intern. Phycol. Congress

H van de Ende Ende at bio.uva.nl
Mon Dec 16 11:42:28 EST 1996

This message is to invite you to participate in the VIth International
Phycological Congress to be held in Leiden, The Netherlands, August
10-16, 1997. The congress will provide a broad forum for phycologists
to mommunicate and discuss their work. Under the general title "Algae
in a Changing Environment" there will be parallel sessions on many
topics in the Mainstreams "Cells and Molecules", "Evolution",
"Ecology" and "Human Affairs". For the Chlamydomonas community the
first mainstream is particularly relevant. It contains the following
symposia: "Gene expression in Photosynthesis", "Signalling
Mechanisms", "Functional and Molecular aspects of Cell Surfaces and
their Biogenesis" and "Transgenesis in Algae: development and use of
algal transformation systems". The deadline for registration is
February 1, 1997. Second circulars are available from W. Prud'homme
van Reine (prudhomme at rulrhb.leidenuniv.nl) or from the sender of this
message, Herman van den Ende (ende at bio.uva.nl)

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