EPC1 Congress Deadline

Michael Melkonian MMELKON at novell.biolan.uni-koeln.de
Thu Feb 22 12:28:48 EST 1996

University of Cologne
August 11-18, 1996

Dear Colleague,

We are approaching the deadline (March 1st, 1996) for registration at 
the regular rate and for submission of abstracts. This is a reminder 
for anyone considering to participate in EPC1.
If you have not already registered, please send your registration 
form and your abstract form NOW!!
Information on EPC1 (2nd circular, registration and abstract form) is 
available on WWW. The URL for Internet browser (like Netscape or 
Mosaic) is:

Those who have not (yet) received the 2nd circular or misplaced it, 
but wish to participate should immediately contact me.

Response to the 1st circular of EPC1 has been very good, we mailed 
close to 1000 2nd circulars to phycologists in over 60 countries. So 
don't miss this opportunity to meet in person many algal people with 
whom you have communicated until now only on the Internet!
If you also wish to participate in the 11th Biennial Meeting of 
the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP11) to be 
held in Cologne (August 8-13, 1996), the 2nd circulars for this 
meeting will be mailed in early March (registration deadline for 
ISEP11 is May 15, 1996).
I am looking forward to welcome you in August in Cologne!

Michael Melkonian
Local Organizing Committee EPC1
Universitaet zu Koeln
Botanisches Institut
Gyrhofstr. 15
D-50931 Koeln
FAX: 49 221 470 5181

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