Freshwater Algae Field Course

Dave Czarnecki czdiatom at lcac1.loras.edu
Thu Feb 6 16:46:14 EST 1997

A three (3) semester credit three (3) week course in freshwater algae (IA
LL 5011) will be offered at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Milford, IA,
beginning on 2 June and continuing through 20 June this spring. The course
will be strongly field oriented and will focus on algae encountered in area
lakes, fens, streams and rivers. Algae from specific assemblages, e.g.,
epipelon, epilithon, epiphyton, etc., will be identified to genus primarily
by morphological attributes as evidenced in living cells. Routinely,
students will encounter ca. 200 genera. Students will also have the
opportunity to isolate organisms for potential cell culture. Dave Czarnecki
will be the instructor for this course. Students wishing more in-depth
experience in algal systematics (specifically of diatoms), are encouraged
to consider the three week Ecology and Systematics of Diatoms course,
offered by Prof. Gene Stoermer, which begins immediately following (23 June
- 18 July) the freshwater algae course. General information and
registration is available on the Iowa Lakeside Lab homepage, accessible at:


To obtain a complete bulletin and/or additional information regarding
registration by mail, contact:

Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
131 Bessey Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011 USA

telephone (515) 294-9777
E-mail: lakeside at iastate.edu

For additional information on the freshwater algae course contact:

Prof. David B. Czarnecki
Department of Biology
Loras College
Dubuque, IA 52001 USA

telephone (319) 588-7231
FAX (319) 588-7964
E-mail: czdiatom at lcac1.loras.edu

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