WCNonline invites you to a free Biotech Conference and Symposium

mathub at hotmail.com mathub at hotmail.com
Wed May 20 11:03:47 EST 1998

WCN invites you to log-on to a unique, first ever, Free multimedia Internet

Where: http://www.biotechconference.com or  http://www.wcnonline.com
When: NOW till June 19th, 1998

See and hear CEOs from Biotech Companies, internationally renowned
Scientists, Authors, Journalists and the leading Biotech Wall Street

Biotechnology Symposium Speakers:
Dr. Jan Witkowski - Director of the Banbury Center, Cold Spring Harbor
Ronald G. Crystal, MD- Professor, Connell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Kay E. Davies, Ph.D. - Professor of Anatomy at Oxford University
Theodore Friedmann, MD. -Director, UCSD Program in Human Gene Therapy
Donald B. Kohn, MD. - Director John Connell Gene Therapy Program, Children's
                            Hospital, Los Angeles
Frank McCormick, Ph.D.- Director of the Cancer Center, University of
California, S/F
Stephen M. Edgington  - Senior Editor, Nature Biotechnology Magazine

WCN's biotechnology Conference & Symposium features special guests, including:
Ari Patrinos - Director of the Department of Energy's Office of Biological and
                Environmental Research and head of its Genome Project
Jeremy Rifkin - author of  "The Biotech Century"
Michael Murphy - editor of "California Technology Stock Letter"
Michael Mullen - a stockbroker with Joseph Stevens & Company, who specializes
                        in biotechnology investments
Dr. Dean Hamer - molecular biologist at the National Institutes of Health and
co-author of "Living with our Genes "
David Mahoney - co-author of "The Longevity Strategy." Mahoney is the former
                chairman of Norton Simon and current chairman of the
Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and the Charles A. Dana Foundation
Dr. Savio Woo - Director Institute for Gene Therapy, Mount Sinai School of
Kurt Hirschhorn, MD - Professor Human Genetics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Analysts from:
* Salomon Smith Barney  * Lehman Brothers
* Hambrecht & Quist     * NationsBanc Montgomery Securities
* Robertson Stevens     * Bear Stearns
* Cowen & Company       * Prudential Securities

The Conference includes 50 leading biotechnology companies:
10 of the largest pharmaceutical companies with biotechnology divisions
25 of the fastest growing biotech companies, 15 with potential breakthrough
technology that could create advances in healthcare and human vitality.

Log-on today and register to http://www.wcnonline.com or

During The registration process for the Conference, attendees can download
the necessary plug-ins to hear and see the slide presentations if they do
not have them on their PC

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