Curator for Culture Collection in Austin, Texas (UTEX)

Alexandra Crutchfield almc at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Sep 1 14:14:15 EST 1999

Curator, Culture Collection of Algae

The Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas at Austin (UTEX)
seeks a curator, starting April 1, 2000. The successful applicant should
have obtained a Ph.D. degree or a Master's degree with demonstrated
initiative such as in published manuscripts. The curator must have
documented experience in culturing and identifying microalgae. He/she
should be willing to manage the daily operation of a nonprofit organization
in a University setting that employs 5 - 6 individuals. Salary is
commensurate with training and experience. Applications should include
Curriculum Vitae, a list of three individuals who could be contacted for
letters of recommendation, and any other information that demonstrates
qualifications for this position. Applications and further inquiries should
be sent to Dr. Jerry Brand, UTEX Director, Section of Molecular Cell and
Developmental Biology, School of Life Sciences, The University of Texas at
Austin 78712 <jbrand at utxsvs.cc.utexas.edu>, to be received no later than
October 15, 1999.

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