Postdoctoral Position - Molecular Ecology/Harmful Algal Blooms

Ginger Armbrust armbrust at ocean.washington.edu
Tue Dec 11 14:01:40 EST 2001

Postdoctoral Position - Molecular Ecology/Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB)

An NSF-funded postdoctoral position is available beginning in 
Winter/Spring, 2002 as part of a collaborative study (between 
researchers from the University of Washington, the University of 
California, Santa Cruz and San Jose State University) designed to 
better understand diatom toxicity.  The research conducted at the 
University of Washington will focus on identifying genes expressed 
when Pseudonitzschia species produce the toxin, domoic acid.  The 
ultimate goal of this research is to develop molecular probes that 
can be used as early warning signals for toxicity in natural 
populations of Pseudonitzschia.

We seek candidates with experience in molecular techniques and 
microbial (bacterial or phytoplankton) ecology.  Candidates must have 
a Ph.D. in Oceanography or related field of Biology.  The term of the 
appointment will be for one year with the possibility of renewal for 
an additional 1.5 years.  For additional information contact Dr. 
Virginia Armbrust (email: armbrust at ocean.washington.edu).

To apply, please send a one-page letter of research experience and 
interests, curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of four 
references (with telephone numbers and email addresses) to Dr. Bruce 
Frost, Director, School of Oceanography, Box 357940, University of 
Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7940 USA. Priority will be given to 
applications received before Jan. 15, 2002.

The University of Washington is an equal opportunity/affirmative 
action employer.  It is building a culturally diverse faculty and 
strongly encourages applications from women and minority candidates.

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