2001 Plant Biochemistry Summer Course
July 8-21, 2001
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
The DOE/NSF/USDA Triagency supported Plant Biochemistry Research and
Training Center at Washington State University will conduct a training
course in plant biochemistry July 8-21, 2001. The course is designed to
teach fundamental principles and recent advances in areas including
structure-function of plant organelles; ion transport; photosynthesis;
carbohydrate and lipid biosynthesis and metabolism; nitrogen fixation
and amino acid metabolism; synthesis, catabolism, physiology and
mechanisms of plant hormones; synthesis and catabolism of unique plant
products such as terpenoids, alkaloids, cyanoglucosides;
phenylpropanoids; signaling mechanisms in plant defense responses;
metabolic regulation; protein synthesis and intracellular targeting of
macromolecules. The course is intended for graduate students,
postdoctorals, faculty, and industrial scientists, and will include
instruction by approximately 40 internationally-recognized plant
scientists. Funds have been allocated to partially offset travel
expenses for up to 65 participants. For further information and an
application form, see http://ibc.wsu.edu/Events/2001_Course.html or
contact Ms. Karen Maertens, PBRTC, Institute of Biological Chemistry,
285 Clark Hall, P.O. Box 646340, Washington State University, Pullman,
WA 99164-6340; telephone 509-335-5496; fax 509-335-7643; or at
maertens at wsu.edu