Dear Members,
I am planning now a project which targets cytoplasmic mRNA degradation
pathways mainly the deadenylation step. I plan to make transgenic Chlamy
lines containing reporter constructs and other lines in which the key genes
of deadenylation are knocked down. I would like to cross the two types of
transgenic lines in order to get strains that express the reporter gene and
the knock down construct at the same time in the same cells.
I would like to know whether mating of two transgenic lines (cell wall
deficient mutants) possible is or not.
Thanks in advance,
Zoltan Kerenyi PhD
Agricultural Biotechnology Center
Szent-Gyorgyi A. u. 4.
H-2100 Godollo, HUNGARY
phone: +36 28 526 100 <%2B36%2020%204555%20349>
email: kerenyiz68 from