Dear Chlamy Folks
Please forward this information to colleagues or coworkers who might be interested
PostDoc Position: Sensory Photoreceptors
Sensory photoreceptors of Chlamydomonas have been fundamental for the understanding of light regulated signaling processes in algae. But, in addition, the light gated ion channel Channelrhodopsin-2 serves as the most valuable tool for light-activation of neuronal cells and tissues with high temporal precision (Optogenetics).
We are seeking after a person who is enthusiastic to work on Chlamydomonas and to study biological photoreception by directed gene modification as well as physiological, biochemical, and behavioral experiment. He will use the recently established method of nuclear targeting using Zink-Finger Nucleases and TALE-nucleases.
We are offering an extendable 2 years contract
Expected skills: Excellent grades during qualifying degrees and experience with the molecular and cell biology of Chlamydomonas.
Applications should be sent as a single PDF-file to Hegemann from
supportive information might be found at:
Prof. Peter Hegemann
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Experimental Biophysics
Invalidenstr. 42
10115 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 2093 8681 (office)
+49 30 2093 8830 (Secr.)
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