[Chlamydomonas] Fwd: PostDoc Position in Berlin, PS

Peter Hegemann via chlamy%40net.bio.net (by hegemann from rz.hu-berlin.de)
Thu Feb 9 11:11:13 EST 2012

sorry for not having encouraged females explicitly, 

here it comes again with correction


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Peter Hegemann <hegemann from rz.hu-berlin.de>
> Date: February 9, 2012 1:44:42 PM GMT+01:00
> To: chlamy from net.bio.net
> Subject: PostDoc Position in Berlin
> Dear Chlamy Folks
> Please forward this information to colleagues or coworkers who might be interested
> regards
> Peter   

PostDoc Position:  Sensory Photoreceptors

Sensory photoreceptors of Chlamydomonas have been fundamental for the understanding of light regulated signaling processes in algae. But, in addition, the light gated ion channel Channelrhodopsin-2 serves as the most valuable tool for light-activation of neuronal cells and tissues with high temporal precision (Optogenetics).

We are seeking after a person who is enthusiastic to work on Chlamydomonas and to study biological photoreception by directed gene modification as well as physiological, biochemical, and behavioral experiment. He / She will use the recently established method of nuclear targeting using Zink-Finger Nucleases and TALE-nucleases.

We are offering an extendable 2 years contract

Expected skills: Excellent grades during qualifying degrees and experience with the molecular and cell biology of Chlamydomonas.

Applications should be sent as a single PDF-file to Hegemann from rz.hu-berlin.de


> -------------------------------------------------
> Prof. Peter Hegemann
> Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
> Experimental Biophysics
> Invalidenstr. 42
> 10115 Berlin
> Tel: +49 30 2093 8681 (office)
>         +49 30 2093 8830 (Secr.)
> hegemann from rz.hu-berlin.de
> http://www2.hu-berlin.de/biologie/expbp/

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