HELP : Origin of some cell lines

Olivier Thellin othellin at vm1.ulg.ac.be
Fri Dec 1 09:03:42 EST 1995

othellin at vm1.ulg.ac.be (Olivier Thellin) wrote:

>Hello !

>I'm searching informations about the origins (type and state of
>differenciation of the original cells) of some cell lines. Here is all
>I know about them :

>	- DAUDI cell line : a human B cell line

>	- RAJI cell line : a human B cell line

>	- JURKAT cell line : a human T cell line

>If somebody has these informations, he would be fine to answer in this
>newsgroup or at my E-mail : othellin at vm1.ulg.ac.be

>Thank you,


I thank everybody who has answer to my question. I now have all the
informations I was searching for.



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