skin immunology

Yekaterina Ye. Zueva zu at lci.mu.spb.ru
Fri Dec 1 02:20:09 EST 1995

The Photobiology Unit, Department of Dermatology, University of Dundee,
Scotland offers a PhD studentship for three years, starting Jan 1996 to
study the effects of UV irradiation on the skin immune system. This
project will involve in vitro modelling of cytokine release from cultured
cells after UV exposure and in vivo modelling of immunosuppression by
various wavebands of UV radiation.

We are looking for a graduate with a degree in
immunology/biochemistry/physiology/molecular biology.

Please e.mail/fax/send a resume to Neil K. Gibbs, The Photobiology Unit,
Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY,
Scotland (Tel 01382-632250, Fax 01382-646047) from whom further enquiries
may also be made.

I am working in lab of clinical immunology . I am searching information
about influence of electric and magnetic fields on white blood cells.
Any information will be appreciated
Yekaterina Zueva, M.D.
zu at lci.mu.spb.ru

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