G Gallagher gqva12 at cent.gla.ac.uk
Mon Dec 4 11:00:35 EST 1995

The University of Glasgow offers several postgraduate scholarships every year.
These are given for a period of three years and are expected to lead to the
submission of a PhD thesis. The Scholarships are awarded by open competition,
across a range of diciplines. Their value is the whole cost of postgraduate
fees for UK or EEC candidates (but applicants from outwith these areas please
note, they must pay additional fees of around 5,000 pounds Sterling -- other
grant schemes are available), plus a personal stipend of just over 5,000 pounds.

Full details are available from the postgraduate registry. Prospective
candidates in medical diciplines should contact the Medical Faculty Office
University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, SCotland.

Drs Grant Gallagher and Max Field are particularly interested in hearing from
prospective candidates, who would like to be put forward into the competition
for one of the following areas:

A--Vaccination of human B-cells in SCID mice, with particular reference to the
generation of antibodies with specificity for human colorectal or ovarian
tumours. A second area of interest here related to generating human antibodies
for use in the study of male infertility.

B--Genetic manipulation of the human immune response in models of rheumatoid
arthritis (synovial implants to the knee joint of SCID mice) and cardiac graft
rejection (almost wholly to be carried out in rat).

C--Genetic control of cytokine function, with particular emphasis on those 
which impinge on the function of TNF, espacially TNF, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13.
This would include an examination of these events in autoimmune and malignant
disease in man.

Anyone with an interest in these three areas should contact us directly by 
replying to this post, but please advise your colleagues of these scholarships;
we have an active interest in attracting good grduate students to our University
irrespective of their field of intereest.

G. Gallagher PhD and M. Field MD
University of Glasgow Departments of SUrgery and Medicine
Queen Elizabeth Building
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Glasgow G31 2ER  Scotland

-44-141-552-3229 (fax)

Many thanks

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