Position open: Laboratory technician in cancer gene therapy/immunotherapy lab

Patrick Hwu pat at helix.nih.gov
Thu Dec 7 01:34:32 EST 1995

Laboratory Technician in Cancer Gene Therapy and Immunotherapy Lab:

Im currently looking for a laboratory technician/research assistant.
My lab is working on a number of novel cancer gene therapy and
immunotherapy strategies, and we are in the process of taking several
concepts from the lab to the clinic.

Interested candidates should have a minimum BS/BA degree, and
preferably working experience in the following:

-Gene cloning
-Southern and Northern blotting
-Tissue culture
-T-cell assays
-Lab maintenance/ordering of supplies

Please send CVs to:

Patrick Hwu, MD
Senior Investigator
National Cancer Institute
Bld 10, Rm 2B42
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD  20892

pat at helix.nih.gov

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