Anti-FKBP12 antibody

Manjunatha B. Bhat mbb4 at po.CWRU.Edu
Thu Dec 7 15:56:36 EST 1995


I am looking for a source for "Anti-FKBP12 antibody". Does anyone know of
anyone who has this or any commercial source where i could buy this from? 

I greatly appreciate any suggestions.


Manju Bhat
Dr. [MANJU]natha B. Bhat, E-mail: mbb4 at po.cwru.edu or mbb5 at po.cwru.edu
US-mail: 2546, Kenilworth Rd, Apt #11, Cleveland Heights, OHIO, 44106
Hello:  (216)321-9672 [Res]; (216)368-6718 [Dept]; (216)368-3952 [Fax]
Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics, Case Western Reserve University

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