baboon-human bone marrow transplant

Stephen Rose srose at helix.nih.gov
Fri Dec 8 13:40:41 EST 1995

The transplant has not taken place due to compications with the
recipient. It is unlikely that the transplant will happen to that

"K.R.P." <kprillim at atoka.uokhsc.edu> wrote:

>I am seeking information regarding the baboon-to-HIV infected 
>human bone marrow xenotransplant that was (?) to have taken 
>place at the University of California-San Francisco under the 
>direction of Dr. Suzanne Ilstad (University of Pittsburgh) in 
>late October/early November.  I have been unable to locate any 
>information regarding when/if, exactly, it initiated, and if 
>so, how it is currently progressing.  Any assistance that 
>could be provided to either answer this query or at least 
>point me in the right direction (I have already tried 
>TransWeb, but to no avail) would be GREATLY appreciated!
>Kiley R. Prilliman
>The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

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