baboon-human bone marrow transplant

K.R.P. kprillim at atoka.uokhsc.edu
Thu Dec 7 21:25:53 EST 1995

I am seeking information regarding the baboon-to-HIV infected 
human bone marrow xenotransplant that was (?) to have taken 
place at the University of California-San Francisco under the 
direction of Dr. Suzanne Ilstad (University of Pittsburgh) in 
late October/early November.  I have been unable to locate any 
information regarding when/if, exactly, it initiated, and if 
so, how it is currently progressing.  Any assistance that 
could be provided to either answer this query or at least 
point me in the right direction (I have already tried 
TransWeb, but to no avail) would be GREATLY appreciated!


Kiley R. Prilliman
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

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