Post Doc - McGill University, Montreal

Bill Powell Bill at Christie.Meakins.McGill.ca
Fri Dec 8 11:24:27 EST 1995

Postdoctoral Position
McGill University

     5-Oxo-ETE is a newly discovered eicosanoid which is a potent
stimulator of calcium mobilization and chemotaxis in neutrophils
and eosinophils. One of our general objectives is to determine
the mechanism of action and biological role of this compound. The
focus of this project will be on the identification of a receptor
for 5-oxo-ETE and its signal transduction mechanisms. Further
details may be found in the following publications:
     J. Biol. Chem. 267:19233-41 (1992)
     J. Biol. Chem. 268:9280-86 (1993)
     J. Biol. Chem. 269: 25373-80 (1994)
     J. Immunol. 154:4123-32 (1995)

     Individuals with a Ph.D. degree in one of the medical
sciences will be eligible. Experience in any of the following
areas would be an asset: eicosanoid biochemistry, protein
purification, signalling mechanisms, or receptors. The position
is available immediately and will be for a period of two years
with a salary commensurate with MRC guidelines. The
Meakins-Christie Laboratories are part of McGill University and
the Royal Victoria Hospital. The major focus of research is lung
disease, with a major theme being the role of inflammatory cells
in asthma.

Those interested should send their CV and the names and addresses
of 3 referees to:
Dr. W.S. Powell
Meakins-Christie Laboratories
3626 St. Urbain St.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2X 2P2

E-Mail:   Bill at Christie.Meakins.McGill.ca
FAX:      514-398-8415

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