Immune globulin and it's availability...

jpoole at sojourn.com jpoole at sojourn.com
Sat Dec 9 14:39:37 EST 1995

If you have patients in need of human immune globulin, for reasons of
hypo gamma globulin anemia,  hepatitis A outbreaks, lyme disease,
travel immunizations, epstien barr, AIDS, cancer treatment, and for
what ever other reasons it is used for, the only place in the United
States to get it is the Michigan Department of Public Health, Division
of Biologic Products.  They also carry rabies vaccines, pertussis and
pertussis A cellular, anthrax, and various other products, and are
very helpful in answering medical questions related to these products.

The immune globulin comes in a 2 cc vial, 3 vials to a package, for
the cost of $9.81 plus a flat rate of $25. for shipping and handling
for no matter how many packages are ordered.  It is for IM use.  There
is a nationwide shortage of this product, but it is not being shipped
overseas.  For any question regarding this, the number to call is

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