In article <4aa4q2$oip at>, DRPFM <drpfm at> wrote:
>> Probably the top three in anyone's book are Harvard, Stanford, and
>UCSD. U. Washington, Seattle is an up-and-comer and UCLA is also very
>good. I graduated from Stanford, so I can tell you some about them if
>you like; they're not particularly strong in HIV, but they do have a lot
>of faculty. Let me know if you would like more details.
>> Sincerely,
> Michael Maurice
>drpfm at
Another way to go about this is to pick up a few of the latest journals
(like Immunity, Science, Nature, etc) and see who the authors are and
where the contemporary work is coming from. Then you'll start seeing
schools who have "smaller" programs than Stanford and Harvard, but full
of more prominent researchers (which admittedly does not necessarily make
a good program, but usually is a good place to start).
Good luck,
Aaron Mackey
ajmackey at