Re.Best immunology graduate program

Timothy Zheng zhengts at minerva.cis.yale.edu
Sun Dec 10 21:07:38 EST 1995

Here is a bit of information you might be interested in.

Early this year the journal 'The Scientist' did a ranking on life science 
research programs in the US universities. This ranking was evaluated 
based on the citation impact provided by the Institute for Scientific 
Information (ISI) and thererfore does include some smaller programs with 
excellent scientific reputations. 

Immunology Rank:

1.	Tufts
2.	Stanford
3.	Harvard
4.	University of Colorado
5.	Yale
6.	University of Chicago
7.	University of Washington
8.	University of Texas, Southwest Medical Center
9.	University of California, San Francisco
10.	University of Alabama

I am currenly at the Section of Immunobiology at Yale. If you need 
specific information about program here. You can email me.

God luck.



Timothy S. Zheng (zhengts at biomed.med.yale.edu)
Section of Immunobiology
Yale university


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