What contitutes a healthy immune system?

Emmanuel G. Dialynas dialynas at siu.edu
Sun Dec 10 19:07:40 EST 1995

At 17:44 12/9/95 GMT, L. Wollner  wrote:
>1.  What are the parameters by which a persons immune system
>      may be judged?
   Leukocyte counts and sub-population percentages. Give a good indication
   on the overall state of the immune system.

>2.  Is there a normal set of values? Do they vary with age?
        Yes there are. But rember, these "normal" values are the average of
        randomly selected individuals. Your values might be well out of that
        range but that doesn't mean you are sick, this is the "normal" value
        for you(assuming healthy state).

>3.  In diseases, such as AIDS, these values are comprimised or 
>      below the "norm" .   Is the opposite true ...can the immune 
>      parameters be above the norm (super healthy) ?
>4.   What mechanisms can be used to return a persons  immune
>       system to the healthy norm or above norm state (assuming
>       there is no underlying disease)?

>5.   What is the role of hormones with relation to the immune
>       system?
        I will try to give one answer for all these questions. Ames dwarf
        mice which are Growth Hormone, PRoLactin and Thyroid Stimulating
        Hormone deficient(because of a pituitary genetic defect) are 
        immunocompromised. Normal mice(as well as humans) treated with
        Cyclosporin A(the most widely used immunosuppressant), FK-506 
        (more potent than CsA but functionally different) and  rapamycin
        are also immunosuppressed. Recent research has shown that all these
        three drugs interfere with prolaction gene expression.

Emmanuel G. Dialynas

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