
Olivier Thellin othellin at vm1.ulg.ac.be
Tue Dec 12 04:59:01 EST 1995

A.N.Zia at bradford.ac.uk (AN ZIA) wrote:

>I'm an undergraduate who needs information on the structure/function 
>relationships of MOLECULES involved in immune response.
>What immediately comes to mind are antibodies and various receptors. Can 
>anyone expand on these?
>Any publication details would be great, as would any kind of input.

>Thank you.
>ANZIA at Brad.AC.UK

It is a very vast and complex field of investigation,
there are a lot of molecules that can act in the immunity :
hormones , cytokines, growth factors, ...
There are a lot of studies about these research subjects
which is still not well understood.

If you are searching publications about it, you can find all you want
by the using of "Current Contents" (or an analog program) which
collect the publications of each week.

I hope this will help you,

Olivier Thellin
University of Liège, Belgium

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