Need help with T-cell proliferation assay

David Parker parkerd at ohsu.edu
Wed Dec 13 17:51:20 EST 1995

In article <1995Dec12.235027.25140 at galileo.cc.rochester.edu>,
ttha at uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Tom Thatcher) wrote:

> ...I am trying to do a T cell proliferation assay.....
> If I use the protein as
> the in vitro antigen, it works fine.  If I use a synthetic peptide
> of the protein (one that works for other labs and for a prior grad
> student in my lab) it doesn't work...
Are you using the same peptide preparation as the former student?  Some
peptides are not what they are supposed to be, and the T cells can tell!

David C. Parker
Oregon Health Sciences University              voice:  (503)494-1498
Molecular Microbiology & Immunology              fax:  (503)494-6862
3181 SW Sam Jackson Pk Rd, L220             internet:  parkerd at ohsu.edu
Portland, Oregon  97201-3098

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