Peptide immobilisation

Frank Robey far3 at clark.net
Thu Dec 14 02:01:41 EST 1995

Michael Daws wrote:
> I have a peptide with a C-terminal cysteine that I want to attach to
> activated agarose beads.  Can anybody suggest a good product for this
> purpose?  My peptide contains a tyrosine, so I don't want to use
> anything that relies on iodoacetyl chemistry, and also I would prefer
> the reaction to be irreversible.  I then intend to use the immobolised
> peptide for precipitation from cell lysates, so anything that has high
> non-specific binding is also out of the question.  I would be grateful
> for any suggestions.Michael -
iodoacetyl will not interfere with tyrosine groups at neutral pH but the 
SH on the cys will react specifically within 15 min.  Call Pearce 
Chemicals in Rockford, IL and they will give you the resin you need.

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