U56375 at uicvm.uic.edu U56375 at uicvm.uic.edu
Fri Dec 15 13:40:25 EST 1995

The following position is available immediately for a study on human immunosen
escence. Individuals should writeto Dr. R. Krishnaraj, University of Illinois a
t Chicago, Department of Medicine (M/C 787), 840 South Wood St, Chicago, IL 606
12. FAX 312-413-2693.

POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIP available for a PhD or equivalent with exp
eriencein molecular biology and immunology to study human NK cells (NIH-funded
). Pl. send CV, salary requirements and three reference letters.

Also, funding is likely to available for a part-time or full-time RESEARCH SPEC
IALIS. Prefer biology graduates with work experience in two or more of the foll
owing: Immunology, flowcytometry, ELISA, and molecular biology techniques. Plea
se send CV, salary requirements and three references.

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