DMSO and sports injuries

Graeme Price g.e.price at bham.ac.uk
Fri Dec 15 12:38:46 EST 1995

In article <4adm3v$ras$1 at mhadg.production.compuserve.com>, Naomi Marcus
<76643.1664 at CompuServe.COM> wrote:

> I would like some information on DMSO and sports injuries, 
> particularly to connective tissue.  A friend of mine who is into 
> holistic medicines and considers conventional medicine to be 
> an evil capitalist conspiracy recommended DMSO to another friend 
> whose knee becomes swollen when she runs.  I have heard nothing 
> good about DMSO in the last 20 or so years, but I don't remember 
> any specifics.  A computer search of, say, MEDLINE would yield 
> so many articles that I wouldn't know where to begin.  Can anyone 
> suggest some good review articles that describe the effects of 
> DMSO and why use of DMSO as a medicine is discouraged?  I looked 
> up DMSO and dimethylsulfoxide in Goodman and Gilman and found 
> nothing.  
> Thanks a lot.

Weird. Personally I wouldn't even consider rubbing DMSO on myself (gloves
are mandatory when using it in our lab). According to our hazard data
sheet, DMSO...

"Freely penetrates skin. Irritating to skin and eyes. Harful by ingestion.
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, cramps and lethargy. Has caused corneal
opacity in experimental animals. Allergenic.
Has been found to cause cancer in experimental animals. May cause adverse
mutagenic or teratogenic effects."

This is out of the BDH Hazard data Sheets p 399.

Thats all I have on it I'm afraid. I think I would rather go with
conventional evil capitalist consiracy medicine on this one!


Graeme Price
Microbial Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology Group, 
School of Biological Sciences, Biology West Building,
University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, Birmingham,
West Midlands, B15 2TT.
United Kingdom.

Tel. (+44) (0)121 414 6555
Fax. (+44) (0)121 414 6557
E-mail g.e.price at bham.ac.uk

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