Help on research project related to antibodies

RLH115 rlh115 at aol.com
Sun Dec 17 11:01:41 EST 1995

I am presently a student (with a biological research background) in a
masters degree program in business administration.  I am conducting a
market survey to be used for a research paper to complete my degree
requirements.  The short one page questionaire examines the use of
antibodies in all of the biological science fields.  I would greatly
appreciate the help of any individual who currently uses any antibodies
for any reason to quickly take my questionaire.  Since I am a student, I
am unable to compensate anyone for their response.  All individual
information will be confidential.  However, I am willing to provide any
participant who requests it with a summary of the results upon completion
of the project.

If you are willing to assist me on my project, please e-mail me with a
short request- " send survey"  to:    rlh115 at aol.com

Thank you for your time.

R. Henderson
The Pennsylvania State University

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