Murine TCR V alpha19 antibody.

jsb jsb749 at anima.nums.nwu.edu
Tue Dec 19 17:31:23 EST 1995

Hi folks, If you know of a source where I could get the ANTIBODY TO 
MURINE TCR Va 19, please post it. Thanks

John Sam Babu D.V.M., Ph.D.
E mail: jsb749 at anima.nums.nwu.edu
phone ; 312 503 5725

-------------- next part --------------


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   * Did Vaccines eliminate Polio - C. Sandiford (20)
   * guinea pig T cells - "N.Gibbins at sheffield.ac.uk" (5)
   * Re: Japanese cult used Biological weapon! - nando at nms.ac.jp (11)
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        o Frank Robey (13)
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   * Re: Immunohistochemistry Manual - "Emmanuel G. Dialynas" (17)
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   * ELIspot technician POSITION AVAILABLE - Tamir M. Ellis (15)
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   * Immune system parameters? - L. Wollner (32)
   * Neuroscience of HIV Infection Congress - Mat Nicholls (33)
   * Re: number of S-S bonds in BSA and KLH - Morrison Lab (25)
   * Help on research project related to antibodies - RLH115 (20)
   * poplietal lymphnode - Meike Mueller (7)
        o Tom Thatcher (19)
   * Re: immunology resources on Web - "Mark H. Whitnall" (8)
   * Detection of Ag binding in situ? - Stacy Ferguson (33)
   * Informative Web Site - Dr. Stephen B. Edelson (12)
   * Re: NEED HELP WITH T-CELL HYBRIDOMAS - "Gamal E. Osman, Ph.D." (12)
   * Determination of on-rate and off-rate - George A. Heavner (11)


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