AIDS Immunity in Africa

John Ladasky ladasky at leland.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 21 20:01:25 EST 1995

In article <jcherwon.92.00115D18 at dres.dnd.ca>,
John Cherwonogrodzky <jcherwon at dres.dnd.ca> wrote:
>Dear Colleagues:
>     Last night (10 p.m., Wed., 20 Dec 95) on the T.V. program, "Journeys", I 
>saw an interesting documentary on the Winnipeg doctor working in Africa 
>(Nigeria?). He began a study on sexually transmitted diseases and as a result 
>of necessity branched out on the effect of AIDS in the prostitute population. 
>5% were HIV positive but AIDS negative, and there was a predominance (I don't 
>know how much, whether it's marginal or 90-100%) that these immune women had 
>HLA groups A69 and B9 (my memory may be faulty).

	There's an A9 serotype, but no B9 serotype.  There are no serotypes
numbered 69 in either HLA-A, B, or C.

Unique ID : Ladasky, John Joseph Jr.
Title     : BA Biochemistry, U.C. Berkeley, 1989  (Ph.D. perhaps 1998???)
Location  : Stanford University, Dept. of Structural Biology, Fairchild D-105
Keywords  : immunology, music, running, Green

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