AIDS Immunity in Africa

Tony Pagano apagano at fast.net
Mon Dec 25 00:08:26 EST 1995


	I'm an electrical engineer by training, but have developed a  curiosity over the 
HIV-causes-AIDS hypothesis.  Studies that I've read report that about 10 percent of all Central Africans, or 
about 6 million, are HIV-positive and that they are distributed evenly between the sexes.  The annual AIDS 
risks of HIV-infected Africans is only 0.3 %, because 6 million HIV carriers generated a total of 129,000 
AIDS cases from 1985 to the end of 1991.  If, indeed, the annual risk of an HIV-positive African contracting 
one of the AIDS-defining diseases is only 0.3% then the significance of the Winnepeg Doctor's findings is 
not necessarily why this 5% subset from his population of HIV-positive prostitutes studied didn't contract 
AIDS, but why such a large proportion did.  This would be some indication that some other factor was 
influencing the onset of AIDS given that the annual risk for HIV-positve Africans is only 0.3%.


Tony Pagano

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