... Complement and SCID mouse

Mark Wing mgw at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Tue Mar 14 13:01:48 EST 1995

In article <9503131802.AA03682 at phri.nyu.edu>, gauduin at adarc.nyu.edu wrote:

> I am evaluating the protective potential of passively-administered human
> monoclonal antibodies in the hu-PBL-SCID mouse model of HIV infection.
> I have shown that BAT123, a mouse MAb specific for the V3 region of HIV-1
> gp120 is effective in protecting SCID mice from HIV-1IIIb infection even
> when administered up to 4 hours after virus inoculation.  (JID,in press)
> I want to assure that any results are the effect of the mouse antibody used
> in a mouse system ... that may be able to activate the mouse complement
> cascade.... which will provide better protection that does a human antibody
> in a mouse system.
> I know that snake venom is commonly used to inactivate murine complement in
> vivo.    However, I do not have any experience using this reagent!
> Could someone please E-mail me either a dose response curve for snake venom
> in mice or the references where I could find this information?  I also will
> need to know the response time for the snake venom and how to assay for
> complement activity.
> Thank-you!
> Marie-Claire Gauduin
> <gauduin at adarc.nyu.edu>

Dear Marie-Claire,

J.Immunol.Methods136:287(1991) should give you the information you require
decomplement mice in vivo. The easiest way to measure the effect of CVF in
vitro would be to take serum from the animal, and measure the ability to
lyse antibody coated sheep erythrocytes (usually an IgM).

Best of luck

Mark Wing

mgw at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk   

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