Steve Hedrick shedrick at ucsd.edu
Mon Mar 13 19:01:26 EST 1995


to be held at

Berkeley, CA
July 16-23, 1995

under the auspices of the

Stephen M. Hedrick, Chairman
Kim Bottomly
Vivian Braciale
Ted Hansen
Thomas Malek
Joseph McInerney
Roger Melvold
Carl Pierce
Carol Reiss
Marvin Rittenberg
David Scott


        This course will explore recent advances in 
immunobiology from the cell biology of antigen presentation 
to the induction of inflammatory responses.  The topics to be 
covered are listed below for each of the faculty. The faculty 
has been drawn from experts in their respective fields.  
Gurus will initiate discussion after each presentation and 
attempt to draw the audience into a dialog with the speaker.  
Faculty members have been asked to remain for several 
days surrounding their lectures.  This is an intense course 
for serious students of immunology. It is directed toward 
graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, investigators new to 
the field of immunology, industry scientists, and clinicians 
with an interest in research.

David Scott, American Red Cross
Eli Sercarz, UCLA
Ronald Schwartz, NIH


Eugene C. Butcher
Stanford University School of Medicine
Lymphocyte Trafficing, Inflammatory Reactions, Leukocyte-
Endothelial Adhesion

Martin Cheever
University of Washington School of Medicine
Tumor Immunology

Gerry Crabtree
Stanford University Medical School
T Lymphocyte Activation/Gene Expression

Mark M. Davis
Stanford University
Antigen Receptor: Genes, Receptor Complex, Receptor-
MHC Interactions

Anthony L. DeFranco
University of California, San Francisco
Lymphocyte Activation Signal Transduction

Peter C. Doherty
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
T Cell Effector Mechanisms

Mark Feinberg
Gladstone Institute

Daniel Gold
San Diego Regional Cancer Center

Katherine L. Knight
Loyola University
B Cell Development

Brian L. Kotzin
National Jewish Center

Richard M. Locksley
University of California, San Francisco
Infectious Diseases and T Cell Subsets

Louis A. Matis
Alexion Pharmaceuticals

Timothy R. Mosmann
University of Alberta
Cytokine Regulation of Immunity and Development

David H. Raulet
University of California, Berkeley
Development of the T Cell Repertoire

Ronald H. Schwartz
National Institutes of Health
Self Tolerance

Nilabh Shastri
University of California, Berkeley
The MHC: The Ins and Outs of Antigen Processing


        This  is  not a survey course. Athough it  is open to 
anyone who wishes to expand his or her knowledge of 
immunology, attendance is limited to 150. Review materials 
and references will be provided. The registration fees are:  
$150 Graduate Students (must have letter of certification 
from advisor); $175 Postdoctoral (must have letter of 
certification from advisor); $250 Regular; and $350 Industry.  
Room and board at the University of California, Berkeley will 
be approximately $400 per person for the week of the 
course.  All fees will be due no later than June 1, 1995.  
Dormitory space will be allocated as per receipt of your 
registration, so early registration is urged. 

        The AAI Course in Advanced Immunology has applied 
for certification for CME Category 1 credit on an hour-for-
hour basis for up to 48 credit hours.  CME forms, which must 
be completed and returned for credit, will be available in the 
office of the American Association of Immunologists and at 
the Course.  There is a $25 processing fee, payable upon 
submission of the application.  For the purposes of providing 
Continuing Medical Education Credits, this course is jointly 
sponsored by The Federation of American Societies for 
Experimental Biology, and the American Association of 

        The course venue is the Clark Kerr Campus at the 
University of California, Berkeley. It is in close proximity to 
the main UCB campus and the town of Berkeley. The 
campus itself offers a number of interesting museums and 
exhibits. In addition, there is ready access to San Francisco 
with all of its charm and history. The course is scheduled to 
take place the week before the International Congress of 
Immunology in San Francisco. Students can take 
advantage of the proximity of the course to also attend the 

        The Course attracts graduate students, post-doctoral 
fellows, clinical fellows, industrial researchers and those 
who are interested in a refresher course in immunology.

        Berkeley is easily accessible from either the Oakland or 
San Francisco International Airports. There will be shuttles 
provided to the campus.

        Thursday, July 20, afternoon and evening will be free 
time. Excursions planned may include a  boat trip around 
the bay or an afternoon/ evening of wine tasting and dinner 
in the wine country.

        For more information contact Ms. Linda Carlson at the address

        To apply for the Course, please submit a letter 
summarizing your background in immunology and your 
interest in attending, a list of your current research/teaching 
activities and a brief C.V. Please submit the application no 
later than May 1, 1995.

Ms. Linda Carlson
c/o AAI Advanced Course
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, 0687
La Jolla, CA 92093-0687
FAX (619) 534-5611
linda at jeeves.ucsd.edu

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