Chronic Urticaria

wang tsun-cheng wtcstudy at ms1.hinet.net
Tue Apr 2 11:52:01 EST 1996

>stagehand at aol.com (Stagehand) wrote:
>>Hello All
>>I am suffering from chronic urticaria.
>>this is an open request for any help or information anyone can give me 
>>thank you in advance.
>Dear Paul,
>The use of a combined DA and 5-HT agonist relieves urticaria very nearly 
>100% of urticarial conditions.
>Please call me.  I post this publicly so that others can enjoy the 
>new-found protocol's to so treat. 
>I look forward to your reply. Give me a call ASAP. Let's get going. If 
>anybody reading this wishes to have more info, look at web sites below.
I think that there are no panacea for chronic urticaria. Although most cases
are of no obvious etiology, some patients may be caused by trival diseases, 
such as unnoticed tooth or gum problems. See the doctor is the best policy.

wtcstudy at ms1.hinet.net

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