emergency aiuto

Ventura Giorgio ventura1 at protec.it
Wed Apr 3 20:20:49 EST 1996

I am a 50 years old Italian woman who is suffering from ECI. As a
result of long researches it was diagnosed 3 years ago but in Italy,
as far as I know, they don't really know how to treat it and which
consequences it brings.
	For this reason I'm looking for people who can help me to gather more
information on ECI (doctors or people who is suffering from this
illness as well). Expecially I'm looking for Italian references with
which I can keep in touch.
	As it concerns symptoms I increased in weight (14 kilos during the
last 3 years). At the moment I'm increasing nearly 1 ½ kilo a month.I
also suffer from muscular pains, concentrated on my arms, neck and
expecially on my head. I notice frequent changes in mood. Six months
ago I had an heart-attack.
I would be very grateful to whoever could help me to find information
on my illness, or simply share with me his experience.
Thanks                            e-mail            ventura1 at protec.it

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