DMSO and Immune Response

David L. Haviland, Ph.D. haviland at KIDS.WUSTL.EDU
Wed Apr 17 17:47:08 EST 1996

On Wed, 17 Apr 1996, Keld Sorensen wrote:

> I vet friend of mine treats lame horses with DMSO -
> I think it would be a highly problematic compound
> in humans - go to one of the sites that has MSDS
> (Material safety datasheets) on line (Fisher has I 
> believe) and read the MSDS!!!

I second Keld's suggestion as this is likely to be very dangerous 
(treating onself with DMSO).  Although not and entirely scientific 
article, I remember reading in "Runner's World", when DMSO was all the 
rage in the early 80's, about a few folk that self administered DMSO to 
treat shin-splints.  The article went on to say that these few foolish 
folk endedup being paralyzed, likely because of the impurities the DMSO 
carried into their bodies upon treatment.  

Sounds like a bad idea...

+  David L. Haviland, Ph.D.          .***.           .***.   .***.        +
+  Washington Univ. School of Med  * | | | *       * | | | * | | | *      +
+  Dept. of Peds./Pulm. Box 8116      *| | | *   * | | | *   * | | | *    +
+  One Children's Place                * | | | * | | | *       * | | | *  +
+  St. Louis, MO  63110                  '***'   '***'           '***'    +
+  Internet:"haviland at kids.wustl.edu"                                     +
+  Voice: 314-454-6076  FAX: 314-454-6076                                 + 
+   -------------------------------------------------------------------   +
+                 Will clone and sequence genes for food.                 +

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