Anti-ICAM Blocking Antibody

Richard Aaron Warnock erawtech at leland.Stanford.EDU
Thu Apr 18 19:30:44 EST 1996

In article <3174C557.6417 at eastman.ucl.ac.uk>,
Alun Kirby <akirby at eastman.ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
>I am looking for a source of the anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal clone RR1/1
>for use in blocking studies. These studies require, ideally, several 
>milligrams of antibody. Therefore I would be extremely grateful if 
>anybody has a source of the hybridoma for this mAb, or knows of a 
>particularly generous donor of purified mAb.
>Alun Kirby (akirby at eastman.ucl.co.uk)

I suggest you go right to the source! Bob Rothlein (RR) is at
Boehringer Innglemeim (sp?) and you can get connected to him or his
secretary through the switchboard at (203) 798-9988. He's a very cool
guy and I think getting the hyb. is reasonably straightforward...

B.I. is in Danbury, CT USA if you want to try to get better info.

Good luck,

"Nothing more is needed to destroy a man, than the conviction that his
life's work is useless."  -Antonin Artaud

erawtech at leland.stanford.edu (R. Aaron Warnock)

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