Quantitative cytokine bioassay

Horst Ibelgaufts Ibelgauf at lmb.uni-muenchen.de
Mon Apr 22 05:00:06 EST 1996

In article <DpnALp.8Bt at udcf.gla.ac.uk>, gbza83 at udcf.gla.ac.uk (David
Laughland) wrote:

* In article <4j5ins$lki at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>, "Zeitlin, Ben"
<B.Zeitlin at shu.ac.uk> says:
* >
* >
* >Could anyone point me towards any references for currently used bioassays 
* >measuring IL-1 (beta), IL-2 and IL-6 levels in cell culture supernatant. 
* >  And are there any bioassays for TNF alpha other than the WEHI or L929(?) 
* >cytotoxicity assays.   To put it bluntly, I'm looking for methods which are 
* >cheaper than ELISA!
* >
* >Thanks for your help,
* >
* I'm not sure that biassays would be any cheaper than ELISA, but 
* 'Cytokines a practicle Approach' has several methods which might interest you.
* Janet Spicer

have a look at my web site which lists cell lines used for cytokine
bioassays and references


                                                   H IBELGAUFTS
                                     Ultra posse nemo obligatur

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