Non-HIV CD4 decrease & M.A.I.

Robert W. Clausen rclausen at darwin.cc.nd.edu
Mon Apr 22 08:44:22 EST 1996

I was approached by one of our Ob-Gyn physicians regarding a patient of
his, middle class white female with a pelvic mass, who had marked CD4
supression, deminished ratio of DC4 to CD8, and MAI (Mycobacterium Avium
Intracellularae).This would suppolsed Td function deminishment.  The
patient has never been on chancer chemotherapy, is NOT HIV positive, and is
NOT protein-calorie malnurished.  There are apparently no other
predisposing factors to explain the T helper cell count deminishment.

Any insights as to the mechanism or disease process?  Help would be
helpful, as she is going to be presented at a conference on SATURDAY.


Robert W. Clausen, M.D.
The South Bend Clinic
South Bend, Indiana 46634-1755
robert.w.clausen.1 at nd.edu

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