Biologists in the Matrix: List your lab in this new index!

John D. Valentich shark at sam.neosoft.com
Sat Apr 27 09:17:37 EST 1996

To foster worldwide collaborative interactions between biomedical researchers 
on the Internet, Biologists in the Matrix has been created. It is available on 
the Web at: http://www.neosoft.com/~shark/bim1.htm. Biologists in the Matrix 
is an index of Web sites where investigators describe their scientific 
interests and research programs. 

To help Biologists in the Matrix attain the critical mass necessary to become 
a useful resource, you are invited to provide the URL of your personal or 
lab's Web home page for inclusion in the index. A form to submit this 
information is found at: http://www.neosoft.com/~shark/bimform1.htm.

Additional information about Biologists in the Matrix is available at: 

If you encounter any problems accessing the above pages, email me at the 
address below.

John D. Valentich, Ph.D.

Email: shark at sam.neosoft.com
Web Site: http://www.neosoft.com/~shark/reef.html

Department of Internal Medicine                      Voice: (409)772-9887
University of Texas Medical Branch                   FAX: (409)772-3394
301 University Blvd.
Galveston, TX  77555-0564

	"Let's go exploring!".... Calvin's last words to Hobbes

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