H-2 class I expression

Larry Anthony lanthony at STRESSGEN.COM
Fri Apr 26 22:49:25 EST 1996

Hi, out there...

I would like to pulse L1210 tumour cells with a CTL peptide epitope for use
as a tqrget cell line in a CTL assay.  Can anyone confirm whether L1210
expresses MHC class I molecules?  Is there any other reason L1210 might not

Thanks for the help.

Lawrence S. D.  Anthony, Ph.D.
Research Scientist/Immunology
StressGen Biotechnologies Corp.
120-4243 Glanford Ave.,
Victoria, B.C.  V8Z 4B9
Tel: 604-744-2811 Fax: 604-744-2877

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