Urgent TUNEL help

Dr. Manuel Saenz Terrazas a65820 at UACHIH.UACHNET.MX
Mon Apr 29 11:55:46 EST 1996

   I have a presentation this friday regarding apoptosis in the immune 
system. I have general information about apoptosis detection in tissues 
using TUNEL methods but i would like to hear personal opinions and 
experiences as well as variations of the Lakeside kit protocol.
Thanks in advance.
                  Immunology Graduate Student

Manuel Saenz M.D.                   INTERNET:a65820 at uachih.uachnet.mx
Department of Immunology            Personal Address:
School of Chemistry                     Degollado 3908
University of Chihuahua                 Departamento 2
Chihuahua, Chihuahua                    Col. Obrera
Mexico   CP 31110                       Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Phone (14)13-18-28  FAX: (14) 14-44-92  Mexico   CP 31000

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