immunology sources

Christopher Spry cspry at sghms.ac.uk
Tue Apr 30 14:56:09 EST 1996

Senmedinfo wrote:
> Does anyone have a listing of good internet immunology sources.
> Thanks.
> Carole Baker

http://www.ucl.ac.uk/UCL-Info/Faculties/ClinSci/Departments/Immun/ Department of Immunology, University College,
http://sciencexchange.com/ ScienceXchange 'The Immunologist', official organ of the 'International Union of
Immunological Societies'
http://histo.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/WWWFiles/cd_table.html Table of CD antigens, Paul Travers Birkbeck College. The
relationship between sequence, structure and function of the proteins of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) British Society for Immunology
http://glamdring.ucsd.edu/others/aai/ American Association of Immunologists 'Journal of Immunology'
http://www.ebi.ac.uk/imgt/ The ImMunoGeneTics database, IMGT An integrated specialised database containing
nucleotide sequence information of genes important in the function of the immune system. The IMGT/LIGM database
currently (March 1996) contains 5109 sequence entries. 
http://www.path.cam.ac.uk/~mrc7/cig/cig.html#details Cambridge Immunology Group, Department of Pathology
http://web.cps.msu.edu/~keyesdav/ms/ Autoimmunity research
http://www.elsevier.nl:80/section/clinmed/immuno/itowww.htm 'Immunology Today Online'
http://www.ocms.ox.ac.uk/~smb/cyt_web/ 'Cytokines Web' Structure and Function of Cytokines and their Receptors by
Simon M. Brocklehurst Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences, University of Oxford, UK
gopher://gopher.faseb.org FASEB headquarters
http://web.fie.com/web/fed/nih/ NIH/NIAID - National Institute of Allergy &amp Infectious Diseases
http://www.crpht.lu/cgi-bin/santel/jump">Immunology resources starting point, Santel Luxembourg
http://www.sig.net/~allergy/welcome.html">Information on allergies
http://immuno.bme.nwu.edu">Kabat's "Sequences of Proteins of Immunological Interest" WWW serve It contains all known
sequences (aminoacid &amp cDNA) of immunoglobulins.
gopher://gopher.gdb.org/77/.INDEX/kabat">Kabat's "Sequences of Proteins of Immunological Interest"

Hope they are agood start for you.
Christopher Spry

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