Transgenic Mice Project

WHearl whearl at aol.com
Mon Jun 3 03:56:30 EST 1996

I am interested in working on a project which would require the
development of  transgenic mice.  I would like to identify a
collaborator(s) - either industrial or academic - to work with my
laboratory on the project.  The nature of the collaboration will be
defined by your level of interest, experience, affiliation, etc. 
(Expertise in transgenics is a must since I don't have any!).  Details of
the concept will be exchanged once the proper arrangements have been made.

I am at Kirkegaard & Perry Labs (KPL) in Gaithersburg, MD.  If you have an
interest in this, please contact me either by e-mail at whearl at aol.com or
by phone at 1-800-638-3167 x143.

Bill Hearl
VP of R&D

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