On Tue, 4 Jun 1996, Rahul Banerjee wrote:
> The very first immunology text I used was Kuby, Immunology. In my opinion
> it is still the best book out there. Does anyone know if a new edition has
> been published? Also, does anyone know how I might contact Janis Kuby?
> --
> University of Chicago - Pritzker School of Medicine
> EMAIL: rrbanerj at midway.uchicago.edu> PHONE: (312) 752-7735
> FAX: (312) 752-7910
> LAB: (312) 702-1776
> WWW: http://student-www.uchicago.edu/users/rrbanerj>>A second edition of Kuby's Immunology text was published in 1994. The
following address is provided in the preface of that edition:
Dr. Janis Kuby
Department of Biology
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway
San Francisco, CA 94132
Lisa Bramble
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
University of Maryland
bramble at cbl.cees.edu